Very true. no need medicine. I did the 4 rules. so effective to me. Now im so healthy and have normal blood pressure. Many thanks doc.
This treatment Nathan one eleven Life is very clear, helpful, and simple to read. I simply needed 2 nights (few hours) of reading through the guideline to completely grasp the guideline. On monitoring my hypertension, the final results went from 148/98 on thanksgiving holiday occasion to 116/78 within Four week period.
This treatment Nathan one eleven Life is crystal clear, to the point, and straightforward to study. In a matter of Only two nights, I was able to get all info I required from this. On keeping track of my hypertension, the final results gone from 148/98 on thanksgiving celebration to 116/78 within just Four week period.
I would love a Plant base diet lots of water, fruits, and vegetables except it doesn't keep me fill because high content of water I add fiber rich foods but end up nibbling throughout the day!
The guideline in the Nathan one eleven Life is very easy to read and understand. In just 2 nights, I was able to get all info I wanted from this. On tracking my blood pressure levels, the final results went from 148/98 on thanksgiving holiday occasion to 116/78 within just 30 days.
Up to now, Nathan one eleven Life is the better remedy for men and women having blood pressure trouble. The manual is crafted in an simple and less complex terminology, making it very simple to follow. Folks who are unlucky to have blood pressure need to have this guide. Before, I have my blood pressure at 120/80, as a result of this manual, I was able to decrease it.
I began following this hypertension remedy, Nathan one eleven Life a few days ago and now have already spotted a positive change in my blood pressure! It has stabilized my blood pressure, no question about that. In the short period of time of 20 days, my blood pressure level lowered. After Twenty-five days my pressure is normal (for me) 120/55.
I was pleased with all of the outcome I find. After performing the Nathan one eleven Life plan I discovered last month, my blood pressure level was 152/92 during my trip to the health care clinic. As soon as I obtained a fresh supply and initiated using it again I discovered my blood pressure level go back to normal. The guideline has been very helpful to me. It has assisted to manage my blood pressure level.
I’m pretty sure if I lived on the beautiful property where he is sitting I wouldn’t have a blood pressure issue!
When I was in medicine 50 years ago, high blood pressure was not a disease. In most of Europe, there is no such thing as high blood pressure disease or hypertension either. The pharmaceutical companies have been very involved in setting what the limits of blood pressure should be. That way they can sell more drugs. A person's blood pressure is what it needs to be. Drugs should not be taken to artificially lower it. 50 years ago, normal systolic was considered 100 points over ones age. Diastolic pressure being 40 to 50 points lower. Just some food for thought.😊
I think your on to something I tried all others ,stress is no 1
hawthorne berry and olive leaf both very good for high blood pressure
The other day l went to a hospital and measured high pressure as a prerequisite to the treatment of an ailment l had. They said l had high BP and it needed to be treated also as it's a silent killer. But l never felt anything bad with myself. Then l thought if it kills me painless then it be a cool way to die, then it be, so l never went back to that hospital. But alas 3 years down the line l'm still living.
Only thing is, I signed up at the gym, managed 15 minutes of really slow cycling before my pulse went too high and I had to stop. My BP shot up and later that eveneing, I passed out. No clue how I'm going to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise till I'm tired for 30 minutes after! But I'm going to keep trying, untill I get there. If I don't get there, that'll mean I graduated with wings, trying to get there! 😵💫
You hit the nail on the head sir
Thanks for your time today lol OcieHand you are.awsome.
I just learned that nitric oxide keeps my blood vessels relaxed and elastic, and its suppression can reverse the effect and cause blood pressure to shoot up. A good diet helps but doesn’t always cure high blood pressure completely or quickly. Amazingly, these 3 exercises that I have learned from Healsonate and followed for a few weeks seem to get my blood pressure under control.
I share with you a suggestion for constipation, liver diseases, brain health and high blood pressure: Before going to bed in the evening, a handful of yellow grapes are washed thoroughly and then put in a jar and freshly boiled water is poured on it. The next day before breakfast, drink this grape juice and eat grapes.
Good advice Sir... I remember one of the most famous quote "Let be thy food be thy medicine" ❤😍 Godbless for this tips