
BONES UK new album 'Soft' out now!


I just heard this in my car and almost blew the speakers!! Instant fan in Texas!!


This American is not afraid of Bones UK! Love their funky style!


My first time hearing this song or this band. It's different in comparison to a lot of the things I listen to but... I like it! Not just the song, the video too. 

I missed being the very first comment by 90 seconds lol. Bummer. Maybe next time.


It’s a cute poppy tune


Much love for Bones UK here in my lil world in the USA.😎🤘🔥❤️☮️


It`s sooo coool❤❤❤ I became a fan! ❤❤❤


What a fun song! Well played.


this is fkn gold right here


Still love it. 
Was totally there for it😊


Love the sound


Slaps from the get 🤘 Killer vibe / song / production...DAMN SON 😎🍻🤘


Like this song 😌💕


interesante... IN-TE-RE-SAN-TE...


Sounds like the Spice Girls.


Who actually listens to this genre? Everything about it is mediocre.