she is very beautyfull and good natured....love you dear for showing such a lovely personality.


Love how pointed out she's female.


6:55 her friend is absolutely gorgeous! Invite me next time to make it a double date please! :P


5555..this is hilarious na. I really like and commend you for attempting Thai language and the Thais appreciate it too. Just so funny though with the little mistakes and misunderstandings! Great viewing. Thank you!


They always bring a friend; costing you twice the price.  There’s only one little Minos. 🤣 Consider yourself lucky, she only brought one friend.


You're a gentleman and a scholar! I hope you can provide a recording of your lectures some day!


These girls go to university they are not poor, not saying they are wealthy but they can afford their own food


This is one of the best reality channels I subscribe to!


😂 yeah go for it
It doesnt matter if they like you......❤🙏🏻🇹🇭👍🏻🤩🥰


How much research does Minos have to do, to lecture about lady boys?


Beautiful report, Minos. 10/10


Every girl in this entire video was staring at you. But they tried not to be obvious about it. Your good looks are a curse.


Brother where it is located in thailand?


Did she invite her friend to your date? That's a good bye from me.


A lot of young girls like koreans because of K-Pop.


New friend was yummy! Aloi ahhhh!


I'm sure a PhD on the history of Thai ladyboys will come in handy.


Not to worry Minos. I'll look after her girlfriend ( freelancer). Thanks for the hookup😊


well, the final objective for the chubby girl is to get food for her friend. Finally they see him as a Cash machine


they are so lucky to meet gentleman like minos🤣🤣