Adam, try MSG in your brine solution, it is one of the molecules that can penetrate deeply due to the polar nature of MSG
Always appreciate Adam's endeavors to make the Thanksgiving turkey as stress-free as possible
If you don't have ice pack things and don't want to dilute the brine just freeze some brinecubes. They won't freeze quite as well as fresh water but 3% solution freezes at about -2.5C so it's definitely doable in a normal freezer. Then you can put a bunch of ice in to keep it cool with no worries about strength. Just don't accidentally put them in cocktails!
That close up shot of the dog drooling was funny to me.
I did the brine & spatchcock thing last Thanksgiving, following the Samin Nosrat method for buttermilk chicken, and a 70 year old friend said it was the best turkey he'd ever had. That's a lot of turkeys. I think I did overcook it a bit and I'm doing this every year from now on.
I just can't get behind a wet brine in this day and age. Dry brined turkey is consistently the tastiest turkey I've ever had AND it's easier to fit in the fridge so you don't have to get creative with keeping it cool.
Adam’s turkey videos are for some reason the ones I love watching throughout the year. Glad to see another one that’s directly supporting the channel!
Adam, I’m Liking These Occasional Saturday Uploads!
Adam, you mentioned something very important about the gravy, namely with regard to making the gravy out of stuff that wasn't brined. My mom pretty much always brines her turkeys, but she makes the gravy out of giblet stock. she then adds that to the drippings and just uses more roux so it can thicken everything (she ends up with like a quart of giblet stock. lots of gravy!), and it's perfect. Doesn't usually need salt, but it's never too salty.
i love adam for saying in the first 5 seconds "this video is an ad". transparency is amazing
My favorite time of year is when the food YouTuber avengers come together with all of their turkey recipes, and then I have to choose one to try... lol
I absolutely adore Lauren peaking in for the taste tests, especially the "Why? I will explain to the viewers!" part. I can tell that y'all have truly been through thick and thin as a couple, and I love that. I also love that, as a food tuber, you're not afraid to contradict yourself and your past beliefs about certain food techniques that you were once weary of once you find the way to use them that you like. For how elitist the culinary world can be, I consider that a virtue- and this is coming from someone who gave up on being a chef yet has been in the service industry for his entire work life. Don't stop doing you, mate.
Years ago I bought a pair of "monster" scissors off Amazon on a bit of a whim. There are bunches of designs at this point but they make Spatching turkey much easier because of the increased leverage. Cuts through chicken like warm butter as well. Honestly I almost never use my regular kitchen shears at this point except for really small things.
Just popping up to say the deboning video for Turkey you did changed my life 🙌🏾🔥 I’m gonna be doing that forever! Thank you!
Hard for people to skip the ad when the whole video is an ad. My man Adam is playing 4D YouTube survival chess.
this new style of videos feels so genuine and good... like damn dude i love it!!!
It is awesome that Adam demonstrates these simple and different methods of cooking Turkey as Thanksgiving approaches.
I've found that your turkey gravy method actually works really well with a brined turkey when you use a liquid with zero salt in it (in my case homemade stock). But I also like my food really salty so this might not work for normal people.
I bet your dog always has a big drool string from his mouth because you're always cooking the most savory dishes I've ever seen 🍽️🤤