This also happens because there’s not enough doctors in Canada
FOB's from INDIA and Pakistan?
Buying a house or a condominium unit? Bid now. Bidding in purchasing a house or a condominium unit is a norm nowadays. Viktor is retiring . Immigrants , migrants ( If you are not a person of color , you are an expat or expatriate ) and students looking to live , work , shet and sleep here in Pakistan are welcome . Immigrants in Pakistan are coming to Pakistan in droves . Just bring lots of your money , as an immigrant , here in Pakistan , and expect to hear no worries from a Pakistani . Just bring lots of your money , as an immigrant , here in Pakistan , and buy a house and vehicles here in Pakistan , and to survive for more than 50 years in Pakistan without an employer .
Government failed us on that last crap shot full of crap that was terrible for ya i will pass thanks
Trump, "Quick, claim measles pandemic originated from Canada! "
The company that makes the medicine was putting not enough viruses in the recipe and caused it to be not up to code for shelf life expires early. Whistle blower raised awareness of under regulated doses that won't work to prevent measles. Obviously can blame the company that produced low quality product that created higher numbers. Many babies will need to get another needle.
The god of this world by Satan and the ungodly not by One GOD the Father and I 😂
right wingers duuuuuuuuuuuh
I tried to recreate a scene from a romantic movie where they make out in the rain. Turns out, kissing in the rain is less romantic and more like being licked by a thousand wet puppies😻