Good morning !! 🌹🌹🌹🌹
That darn Wolfie was taking a nap! I’m so sorry that you lost. There’s always next time!!!🎉
Hi Dee should tell wolfie that's no way to treat a lady
You win in Jan. Feb is cold in Weather, stock market and perhaps slot machine. Closing this session with 1k is good decision under control.
That was cruel session.. I didnt like that for you, 😢 BuT its gambling.. And we go back for more battling 😊💪 Hope you’re spinning tonight and winning back and then sum 🙏🏼 AND FUN too
oh man 4 hats after waiting so long for a bonus and thats all....its maddening!!!
Omg. 😮 Lets get 10 more subscribers for every dollar lost. 😁
❤❤❤sending love 🎉
Mean ole Wolfie!
Ouch, it sure does hurt. Let's get a big one!
That was the most pathetic excuse for Mr. Wolfie I have ever seen. Sorry Dee!
Wolfie:mebe time to do a 🐺pac-man on evil piggys
Sorry you got zonked today but I like your style. Better luck next time Dee🤞
Maybe time to try Buffalo again?
The spoiler blocker didn't block
Should of ordered a water. It would of changed the whole outcome.😢
Pfffft I'm sorry for this session!! Next one you will bounce back!! Come and visit Speaking Rock!!
Please, too much Huff and Puff!