
If we get bitten by a radioactive boar, do we gain it's powers and become Boar-Man?


wait what? gonna need not a short on that


That loop transition... Beautiful.


radioactive wild boar origin story, happens to be the title of my next play.


I got 30-50 of these in the backyard where my kids play.


Cody knew it!


Watch out, they'll mutate and then we'll have Manbearpig


Radioactive borigin


wild shit


Cs-137 isn't a decay product of U-238, its a fission product (of plutonium 239 or uranium 235, 233,...)


I wonder how that radio active poop affects the soil food web


The video seems to get cut off. :(


Forbidden bacon 🥓


But who's fallout?  Can they tell that?


Wait a minute