Wash and gos every other day makes my hair look divine and actually like a wig. The Anthony Dickey method has been game changing and life changing. I used to spend ALL DAY (morning till the sun went down) on wash day and twisting my hair. Now, I just spend less than 30 min in the shower and my hair just looks great without having to be in twists or a twist out. Unbelievable. My hair is between bra strap and waist length and I grew it out with wash and gos only. I have low porosity type 4 hair that is a combination of 4A/4B/4C.
I always deep condition with heat on every wash day...im low porosity & it helps my hair alot. I also started applying my leave in while my hair is still wet & warm.
I find the LCO method works best for me. I am a relaxed girl, but I am going back to being natural. I really miss my natural hair. My hair is crazy. I'm 4a in the back, 4c in the dead center, and 4b everywhere else. My hair grows fast, and I'm excited to start this natural hair journey again. ❤❤❤
Hi, I love your videos. Could you possibly make a video about how to keep the scalp moisturized with scalp psoriasis?
My staple: Camille rose honey leave in and grease 😅 two weeks. No need to remoisturize
I can attest to the hydration that comes with aloe vera and honey.
👋🏽 Heey there Tonya. Mixing deep conditioner with a small amount of diluted apple cider vinegar does wonders for both my daughters low porosity and my high porosity hair type. Thanks for passing that tip. 😉
I will try that bassou oil as a sealant . My game changer methods and products for my low porosity hair is using coconut oil to detangle my hair, the loc method and deep conditioning. I switch to Jamaican black castor oil because of the winter.
Love this video very helpful for my hair. I also purchased your guide for low porosity hair. My only problem is Ethanic Gals shipping takes a very long time 😞
I recently started to use a steamer on my hair every other week, & it's making a world of difference in the softness and texture of my hair. It feels nice & moisturized even with the harsh dry and -30+ weather we get in western Canada.
TY Sis I have low porosity so I caught a few Gems especially when it come to hydrating over clarifying shampoos 💜
Love your hairstyle Tonya. Can you do a tutorial on how to do that style?
I use the LCO method and just did the LCG method abc I like how both moisturizes my hair. I also do a deep conditioner with a heat cap or under the dryer. That has really been a game changer for me. Thank you Curly Chemistry for sharing. Sending you, Curly Chemistry and everyone here love, light and good deeds.❤️❤️🙏🙏☮️☮️
I put my leave in on in the shower, and then i put a shower cap on and wrap it in a T-shirt for 15 - 30 min. And then I style. My hair seems to be responding to it well. I'll check out that brand.
Great video! Deep conditioning with heat and bond treatments have been working for me🙌🏾
It's the adding avocado oil or olive oil to my conditioner that works for me. It stays moisturized until the next wash. My routine is every two weeks.
No matter what, deep conditioning with heat is necessary for my hair. 🎉
Just ordered the beauty box, can't wait to try. 👍
After washing my hair with shampoo, I go in with an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse. I've noticed my hair is wayyy manageable and softer even before I deep condition since I started using ACV. I use the LO method after washing out the deep conditioner to moisturize my hair long term; I noticed that using creams was leaving build up and drying out my hair quicker than usual. I don't use heat on my hair often but i always wondered... Can you use oil as a heat protectant? If so, which oils would be best to use?