About ISKCON: The teachings of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) are based on ancient Vaishnava scriptures: Srimad-Bhagavatam (commentary on the Vedas), Srimad Bhagavad-gita (the personal teachings of Lord Krishna), and Sri Chaitanya-Charitamrta (the teachings of Lord Chaitanya). The basic tenet of these teachings is that each living entity is an eternal spirit soul and has a distinct relationship with God, Krishna.
L I K E | S H A R E | S U B S C R I B E | C O M M E N T
**Website - iskcondwarka.org/
**Facebook - www.facebook.com/iskcon.dwarka/
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**Donate For Sudama Seva - bit.ly/33wPLhs
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