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CHAKRA BEEJ MANTRA CHANTING: 10 Min. Seven Chakra Healing Chants, Seed Mantra Meditation

CHAKRA BEEJ MANTRA CHANTING: 10 Min. Seven Chakra Healing Chants, Seed Mantra Meditation to balance all your seven chakras in your daily meditation practice. It will assist you in cleansing, balancing, healing and activating all seven chakras. When we do seed mantra chakra meditations we can guide our energy centers back into its natural state of balance and harmony in which our body functions the best. This ten minuten beeja mantra chanting version is perfect for a quick meditation each morning when you start your day or each evening when you end your days. Bija mantras are powerful frequencies which can be found in the universe.They reflect specific natural frequencies which is ancient indian knowledge and is used for thousands of years to take care of your health. They are especially powerful for healing our body, mind and soul with its healing vibrations we create with our own voice, which is the most powerful healing tool. So feel free to sing along or just listen to this beej mantra chakra meditation whenever you like.

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For a more intensive sound therapy or healing coaching session, you can make 1:1 appointments with me, in German or English in Berlin or online via Zoom. In these individual sessions we work specifically on your issues and design the lessons to fit your needs. You can find all the information on my website: www.klangbaden.com

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Sound Healer
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