Thank you to everyone who joined me live at the Goodwill bins this morning. It was in experience if nothing else. I am sorry for the poor connection and the choppy blurry video. I wanted to show you all what I go, so when I got back to the store, I did this quick little haul video! Enjoy
Susie on the Farm is located at 851 Hwy 69 S Hanceville, AL 35077
Tuesday-Friday 10 AM to 6 PM (Check to make sure. I may close a little early till the time changes)
Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM
You can find all the Fusion paint, IOD Products, Roycycled Decoupage paper, DIY Paint and Connie Lines & Designs rice paper as well as my found vintage and upcycled items on my website:
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• Thrift Flips
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(I do get a small commission if you order from this link, but it doesn't change the price you pay)