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Dr. Vikas Sharma discussing What is Autism , Signs of Autism, Early Signs of Autism and its Treatment with Homeopathic medicines.
Dr. Vikas Sharma M.D is a Gold Medalist and a 4th generation homeopath. His Family has put in more than 115 years into Homeopathy; His Father (Dr. S.P Sharma), Grandfather (Dr. Sri Krishen Sharma) and Great Grandfather (Pandit Anand Swaroop Sharma) have been amongst the pioneers who introduced homeopathy in India in the 18th century.
Dr. Vikas has been into practice (in Chandigarh) since the last 25 years and mainly treats chronic disorders.
Detailed discussion on what is autism , Symptoms of autism ;how to recognise early signs of autism and how homeopathic medicines can be effective in the treatment of Autism. Dr. Sharma also discusses which homeopathic medicines for autism are effective .ऑटिज्म क्या है, ऑटिज्म के लक्षण, ऑटिज्म के शुरुआती संकेतों को कैसे पहचाना जाए और होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ऑटिज्म के इलाज में कैसे कारगर हो सकती हैं, इस पर विस्तृत चर्चा की गई। डॉ। शर्मा यह भी चर्चा करते हैं कि ऑटिज्म के लिए कौन सी होम्योपैथिक दवाएं प्रभावी हैं . Visit