FIREd Up Trivia!
All 21 Questions deal with Fire, Flames, and All Things Hot!!!
This is a trivia quiz to play by yourself,
or in a competition with friends!
EPISODE 1399 |
21 Questions / 14:20 Minutes
Hello, my name is RT Kwizman, I will be the host of your quiz today. First of all, I'd like to thank you for tuning in. Second of all, I'd like to invite you to comment on ANY of these quizzes if you find any errors. We are currently going through every episode and updating all the spelling, grammatical, or content errors. Most of the typos are found not by us, but by our sharp-eyed viewers. Third, if you enjoy this type of trivia format, please consider subscribing to the channel. We WILL be the biggest trivia channel on YouTube in terms of episodes and questions, but we would also LOVE to be the biggest trivia channel on YouTube in terms of number of subscribers. Whether you're a fan of general trivia questions, hard trivia questions, fast paced trivia questions, and jeopardy and other quiz type games... this channel is for you!
If you have any suggestions for a trivia quiz, or any quiz you would like us to make, comment on any of the videos or email us at
I can't say thank you enough to Luke Von Thompson for composing and recording the ROADTRIpVIA Theme that gets played at the start of every quiz. It's perfect and fits the channel just the way I want it to.
He doesn't do much on YouTube, but you can check out some of his stuff here...
/ @lukevonthompson
Now recording from the
NEW RawkieDogg Entertainment Studios
in Wichita, KS
//COME SAY HI! On our other social media sites!
For subscriber questions or business inquires, please email:
This quiz is brought to you by Road TRIpVIA. The video-based trivia game that you can play while driving in your car. You have about 10 seconds after the question is read to answer it. The question is read out loud first (before it shows up on the screen) so that the driver of the vehicle has the same opportunity to shout out the answer as the passengers (who are able to watch the screen). The quizzes are usually 20 or 21 questions each and you keep track of the score. It's a great game to play with a car full of friends, or to just play by yourself while driving. I find it's especially great to help keep you awake on the long hauls.
Now with over 1000 episodes to give you an opportunity to compete with your friends, or to practice you trivia skills by yourself! -
FIREd Up Trivia Quiz! (21 Questions About Fire, Flames, and All Things Ablaze!) (ROAD TRIpVIA- Episode 1399)