This video contains two matches I had with Char's Gelgoog at LV1 on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 450 cost raid with incredibly high melee damage, pretty good stunlock ability, good mobility and high HP. It has a ridiculous amount of weaknesses though, such as mediocre midrange damage output, awful instant stagger ability, no solo stagger accumulation combos, having big and easy to target legs alongside lacking the melee reach to make up for not having decent stuns. I honestly love this suit, so it pains me to see it be neglected by the developers for so long. It hasn't been buffed since October 2022, and it has been bottom tier ever since it released regardless. I hope that you enjoy watching!
Its primary weapon is a beam rifle with 2000 (2400) power, 4 seconds cooldown, 60% (90%) heat, 13 seconds overheat, 1 second swap, 400m (550m) range, 4.5 seconds focus time and 10% stagger value. This has pretty high damage when looking at single shots but it suffers from high heat on both firing modes, long cooldown, long focus time and poor stagger value. You basically have 8.5 seconds cooldown between shots, and if caught out in the open you have to charge for 4.5 seconds without being interrupted to fight back. This means you will have trouble consistently fighting even supports unless you can approach them with your rifle already charged.
Its primary melee weapon is an enhanced beam naginata with 2300 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap and 100/80/64% combo modifier. This has short range on neutral and side swings which can make it a little awkward to use, but the combo modifier is pretty great. Starting combos with the single bladed saber is better for your damage output though.
Its first sub weapon is an enhanced cracker grenade with 1250 power, 3 ammo, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 13 seconds reload, 1 seconds swap and 50% stagger value. These aren't going to be doing a ton of damage and you can't make use of their good stagger value, but they are alright for finishing off weak enemies.
Its second sub weapon is a single bladed beam naginata with 2600 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, one swing only and 60%x3 downswing modifier. This shares the same swings as the normal naginata apart from its downswing, which is the same as Gyan. This has very high power along with insane downswing modifier, you can do more damage than any 450 cost raid if you start and end combos with this weapon. It has slightly longer range than your normal naginata but it is still a little short to be used for raw melee without a stun, so be careful.
Char's Gelgoog at LV1 has 18500 HP, 10 ballistic resist, 18 beam resist and 20 melee resist. It has pretty low ballistic resistance but this is somewhat made up for by it having a ton of HP. This durability is further enhanced by a 15% damage reduction leg buffer. It also has both LV2 Maneuver Armor and LV2 Emergency Evasion for defensive skills, which is incredibly rare for raids to have.
In terms of mobility it has 135 walking speed, 210 boosting speed, 70 thrust and 69 turning speed. This is pretty good mobility overall, but nothing special. I don't know the exact % value, but it also has better than average strafing speed too. It also has access to both LV2 Forced Injector and LV1 EX Boost for mobility skills. EX Boost is activated via the touchpad and lasts for 6 seconds, while active you have unlimited thrust and gain +10 boosting speed along with +14 turning speed. If you dodge roll while active it will instantly end, once the time expires your thrusters will be overheated for 21 seconds. This is a pretty situational skill but I think it is most useful for a surprise counter tackle if you are caught overheated by the enemy.
In conclusion, I think that Char's Gelgoog is genuinely awful when fighting players using meta suits correctly. It has impressive melee damage, more than enough to put the hurt on a general if need be, but it lacks the stagger output or melee reach required to actually take advantage of this damage. Supports like Woundwort can effortlessly wall it out, generals like Unit 4 and Efreet J can easily stagger it and break its legs, it is honestly hopeless most of the time. I think it needs a huge buff to become viable, most importantly by getting a new sub weapon which can stagger, like a rapid fire or instant stagger beam rifle sub weapon. This would fix its most pressing issue, but I think that it would also be nice to get stronger hand grenades, LV3 EX Boost (which is much more practical than LV1), LV3 Leg Buffer and LV1 Counter Boost. I really can't recommend this suit at all, it is mediocre in a match where both teams are aggressive, it's downright painful against a team that can camp and shoot properly. Thanks for watching and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Music used:
Enthusia Professional Racing, Lyricism Rain
Dynasty Warriors Gundam, A Good Thing Is Possible