This video contains two matches I had with the recently buffed LV2 Ex-S Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 650-700 cost general with great stunlock ability, pretty good stagger accumulation, amazing ranged burst damage, LV3 Damage Control alongside a special power-up mode called A.L.I.C.E. that buffs your mobility and focus/lock-on times. It suffers from being massive, from having no Maneuver Armor, from having just 10 melee resistance, from not having many close range custom slots and from being pretty easy to bully close up. This suit was recently buffed with 21500/24500 HP depending on level, LV3 Forced Injector, LV3 Flight Control, 15 seconds smart gun overheat time, 2.5 seconds smart gun focus time, 25%x4 smart gun stagger accumulation, 35%x2 thigh beam cannon stagger accumulation, 13 seconds head INCOM overheat time, 35%x3 head INCOM stagger accumulation, 15 seconds reflector INCOM overheat time, a larger lock-on radius for both INCOMs alongside A.L.I.C.E. mode now cutting beam focus time and psycommu lock on time in half. I hope that you enjoy watching!
Its primary weapon is a beam smart gun with 750x4 (4100) power, 20%x4 (100%) heat, 1.5 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds overheat time, 0.77 seconds swap time, 405m (555m) range, 2.5 seconds focus time and 25%x4 (60%) stagger value. The uncharged burst's heat rate is too high for it to be fired twice in a row, but it has enough stagger value to stun alone. The charged shot instantly overheats, but benefits from incredible damage and the ability to pierce through suits.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 2625 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap time and standard melee modifiers. Its pretty hard to use this aggressively since your stuns need to be either charged or to stop to fire. It has a good moveset for when you need to use it for self defence.
Its second sub weapon is a pair of shoulder beam cannons with 1500x2 power, 90% heat, 5 seconds cooldown, 20 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 400m range and 10%x2 stagger value. These cannons have a high heat rate, but they instant stagger and deal good damage. They are a good tool to continue combos with.
Its third sub weapon is a pair of thigh beam cannons with 700x2 power, 50% heat, 15 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 350m range and 35%x2 stagger value. These overheat quickly, but they deal amazing damage and have enough stagger accumulation to stun just about anything.
Its fourth sub weapon is a head INCOM with 1600x3 power, 50%x3 heat, 13 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 300m range and 35%x3 stagger value. These overheat after use, but benefit from high stagger value and great damage.
Its fifth sub weapon is a reflector INCOM with 2200 power, 100% heat, 15 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 350m range and 10% stagger value. This locks on like the head INCOM but instead fires a reflecting beam shot that can shoot around corners, walls or other obstacles. It is an instant stagger shot that can technically hit up to three times if fired at point blank range.
The LV2 Ex-S Gundam has 24500 HP, 37 ballistic/beam resist and 10 melee resist. The HP is average but still a little low for how large you are, and the melee resistance is awful. You could be destroyed in one combo by a melee suit, even raids can do this despite type disadvantage. So maintain your distance at all times. You have LV1 Emergency Evasion which is upgraded to LV3 once ALICE activates, but no Maneuver Armor. You have LV3 Damage Control to resist stagger accumulation but this is much more useful in transformed mode where you have Shock Dampeners. It has a 30% damage reduction back buffer alongside a chest i-Field. The chest i-Field reduces beam damage and stagger taken when shot in the chest, but it has a really small hitbox.
In terms of mobility it has 140 (180) hover speed, 220 (240) boost speed, 70 thrust and 69 (63) turning speed. The MS mode and transformed mode mobility are both pretty average until ALICE activates. You have LV3 Forced Injector and LV3 Flight Control Program for mobility skills, but your mobility is truly put through the roof once ALICE activates at 50% HP. This buffs hover speed, boosting speed and turning speed all by +15. It also cuts thrust consumption in half which is incredibly useful for transformed assaults. Furthermore, since the recent buffs, it also cuts beam focus and INCOM lock on time by 50%.
In conclusion, I feel that the Ex-S Gundam has became viable again thanks to these buffs. Most of its major issues were fixed, since it now has reasonable overheating times, great stagger accumulation and much more HP. I feel that it is now viable, but it certainly could have gotten more. It is still squishy as hell, and the vulcans suck, but I guess it's enough. Thanks for watching and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Music used:
G Generation Genesis, Superior Attack
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Posisble