Contact number: +91-62398-82982
0:00 - Introduction
00:32 -What is psoriasis and its signs and symptoms?
01:40 - What causes psoriasis?
03:28 - Risk and trigger factors for psoriasis
03:46 - Family history or genetics is an important risk factor
04:06 - Viral or bacterial infection may trigger psoriasis
04:33 - Stress may be a triggering or maintaining factor
05:02 - Obesity and psoriasis are also linked with each other
05:21 - Smoking or alcohol intake may trigger or maintain psoriasis
05:47 - Link between low vitamin D levels and psoriasis
06:32 - Role of homeopathic medicines in treating psoriasis
08:39 - Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis
09:19 - Indications to use Arsenic Album
10:25 - Indications for using Graphites
11:40 - Rhus Tox for psoriatic arthritis
12:43 - Symptoms to use Mezereum
13:11 - Indications for using Arsenic Iodatum
13:44 - When to use Petroleum
14:29 - Antimonium Crudum for nail psoriasis
14:56 - How to contact us for any query ?