How good is the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 soundtrack?
How much is there to say about its leitmotifs, composers, and what other games it sounds like?
In answer to both questions: A WHOLE LOT. Let's look at EVERYTHING.
Yes, this video somehow has more content than my fourteen pre-XC3 Game Music Done Right videos combined. Take all the time you need!
This video is as spoiler-free as watching a long trailer, and certainly doesn’t spoil any important plot point. Of course, if you haven't played the game, you will be robbed of first experiencing these tracks in their full context.
• All composer credits are already in the video.
• rtg142856 has a comment underneath.
• Shout out to @NintendoMelodyHD for painstakingly sharing the XC3 music rips and keeping their information up to date.
• Shout out to dozens of commenters under those videos for pointing out details I would have missed otherwise. If that's you, manifest yourself (as Melia would say) and I'll acknowledge it!
• The Tiberian Sons – Devil's Spear • The Devil's Spear (Magic Spear/Darede...
• Most Xenoblade Chronicles 3 gameplay: Kaiwera Gaming / lukedulong
• DKC TF: @packattack04082
• Jingoistic Gigantus: @FPGoodGame
• Musecore chart for the Keves Battle bass:
Links to the now-unlisted preview videos:
#29 Everblight Plain • XC3 OST top 50 and deep dive – #29: E...
#23 Hostile Colony • XC3 OST top 50 and deep dive – #23: H...
Composers and musical identity • XC3 OST top 50 and deep dive – Compos...
#19 Final boss • XC3 OST top 50 and deep dive – #19: F...
The following timestamps spoil my rankings, increasingly as they approach the top!
But they otherwise use the same non-spoilery names as in the video; find the real names in the first comment below.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:31 #51 Prologue (Battlefield ~ The Scramble for Life)
0:01:30 Other cutscene music
0:02:43 #50 Moebius
0:03:41 #49 Cave
0:04:02 #48 Ribbi Flats
0:04:20 #47 Onwards
0:05:02 #46 Urayan Tunnels
0:05:29 #45 Captocorn Peak
0:05:43 #44 Battle on the Seas
0:07:00 #43 Great Sword’s Base
0:07:29 #42 Big Colony
0:07:56 Composers
0:10:07 #41 Epilogue
0:10:34 #40 Agnus Castle
0:11:07 #39 Robot Battle
0:11:27 #38 Melia’s Theme
0:11:41 #37 Elaice Highway
0:12:00 #36 Peaceful Colony
0:12:53 #35 Soldier’s Paean
0:13:34 #34 Erythia Sea
0:14:36 #33 Menu
0:15:27 #32 Title Screen
0:15:56 Off-seers
0:16:13 #31 Kevesi Homecoming
0:17:21 Musical flavor of each game in the series
0:19:56 #30 The Bereaved and Those Left Behind
0:20:16 #29 Everblight Plain
0:22:58 #28 Fort O’Virbus
0:25:18 #27 Commander Battle
0:26:45 #26 Alfeto Valley
0:27:34 #25 Final Dungeon
0:31:04 #24 Ouroboros Awakening
0:33:17 #23 Hostile Colony
0:35:07 #22 Where We Belong
0:35:35 #21 Nia’s Theme
0:36:39 #20 Feelings Risen to the Sky
0:38:06 #19 Final Boss
0:40:13 #18 Eagus Wilderness
0:43:19 #17 Boundary
0:45:56 #16 Ultimate Enemy
0:48:03 #15 Agnus Battle
0:50:02 #14 Words That Never Reached You
0:50:50 #13 Milick Meadows
0:51:59 #12 A Step Away
0:53:11 #11 Agnian Homecoming
0:55:24 #10 Boss
0:58:07 #9 Moebius N Battle
1:01:09 #8 Tactical Action
1:03:49 #7 Drifting Soul Battle
1:06:25 #6 A Life Sent On
1:11:28 #5 A Formidable Enemy
1:14:02 #4 Chain Attack!
1:16:24 #3 The Weight of Life
1:20:30 #2 Keves Battle
1:23:29 #1 You Will Know Our Names
1:24:23 Are we not done?
1:31:07 Outro
#XenobladeChronicles3 #GameMusic #GameMusicVideo