The "holy grail" of hair loss treatments would be a pill, topical, or therapy that keeps working... even after stopping treatment.
Unfortunately, this therapy doesn't exist (yet). However, results from a 2020 study suggest that some treatments – like microneedling – might enhance the length of time new hair growth sticks around after quitting conventional treatments, such as minoxidil.
In fact, that same study showed that microneedling by itself might produce longer-lasting hair gains versus minoxidil, even after withdrawing from treatment for six months.
But don't get too excited! This video dives into the details about why we should consider these results to be VERY preliminary... and why nobody should quit any treatments in light of this information (until replication studies are done).
0:00 – Intro
1:50 – New study (analysis)
3:45 – Quitting treatments: how long until all new hair is lost?
5:02 – Explanation #1: results aren't real
7:42 – Explanation #2: results are real
12:35 – Outro
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About Rob English:
-Editorial board member of Dermatology and Therapy
-Medical editor specializing in hair loss disorders
-Peer-reviewed publications: