Welcome to another funning episode of this mario sound effect
MIDLEVEL SPOILERS FOR ALL GAMES, but not everything is shown
Bayonetta put me off for years, so it's time to come clean - I'm really stupid. These games are a joy, even when they're obnoxious. It's more complicated than a simple shot at a highly-functional DMC-style action game; if anything, Bayonetta has a little more in common with Viewtiful Joe. Developer lineages, whatcha gonna do.
Some people love camp and some people live camp - Bayonetta's the latter. It manages to coexist in a highly competitive environment alongside genre titans like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry with a unique spin on the hardcore character action genre, and further than that, Bayonetta's extremely easy to pick up and play. I mean maybe not the first game, but the others won't send you blasting off again like Ninja Gaiden can.
SO, for action game enthusiasts, or people who just think Bayonetta looks kind of neat 😊here's my rollercoaster take on this incredible trilogy. Oh and tl;dw Bayo 3's good, it's fun. Play it twice though, that's basically the theme of the vid. Except 2 unless you really dig it, in which case have fun, love that for you, look at how good you look damn, damn,, da
My latest on Bleach!
• The Search for the GREATEST Bleach Game
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0:00 "Let's Dance Boys"
1:42 Bayonetta
12:40 Bayo 2
21:33 Bayo Threequel
#kbash #bayonetta #bayonetta3