The Pickleball Slam
🤬 John McEnroe FLIPS OUT During Pickleball Press Conference #shorts #mcenroe #pickleball

John McEnroe really lost his mind during the Pickleball Slam 2's opening press conference. Mac started roaming around the stage taking shots at all the legends before Maria Sharapova told him to sit down. But, Agassi is just fed up and told John that he is going to kick his a** tonight live on ESPN at 8:30PM EST! Who will win the Pickleball Slam 2?! #johnmcenroe #mcenroe #andreagassi #agassi #mariasharapova #sharapova #steffigraf #graf #pickleball #pickleballdoubles #pickleballgame #pickleballplayers #pickleballpro #pickleballlife #pickleballtips #pickleballtournament #pickleballmensdoubles #pickleballmatch #pickleballhighlights #tennis #tennisshorts #tennisnews #tennisgame #tennisvideo #tennishighlights #tennismatch #tennispro #tennislegend #tennislife #tennisdoubles #tennishighlights #tennistips #tennistournament #shorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #sports #sportsshorts #youtubesports #ytsports #sportshighlights #sportsclips #sportsnews #sportsdebate #sportstalk

The Pickleball Slam 2 will be Even More Legendary with tennis icons John McEnroe, Andre Agassi, Stefanie Graf and Maria Sharapova competing for a $1 million prize purse at the Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, FL. These four legendary players have combined for 42 Grand Slam titles – but who will take home the Pickleball Slam 2? Tune into ESPN on February 4 at 8:30PM EST to find out!

➡️ For more information and to register for the Amateur Slam pickleballbrackets.com/ptd.aspx?eid=ea00f38f-67fb-…

➡️ Fans can purchase tickets for the Pickleball Slam 2 event at this link www.ticketmaster.com/event/0D005EEAC370C3E3

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