Full Spiritual Detox || 432 Hz + 111 Hz + 777 Hz Powerful Shamanic Sound Healing Remove Old Blockages & Negative Energy💜🕊Trust & Surrender. Know You Are Guided Every Step Of The Way. The Higher Intelligence Of Life Is At Work For You💜🕊
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Join our donation-based breathwork session for healing and awakening here: selfhealingcollective.com/events/
Welcome, Beloved Soul💗🕊We present this beautiful, high vibrational, and therapeutic 432 Hz + 111 Hz + 777 Hz shamanic music, with a written poem and powerful words for self-healing in our video, to create a container for self-inquiry, rest, and self-healing. Allow yourself to just be as you are for a while. This video will assist you in returning to your natural state of homeostasis and open you up to a higher state of consciousness.
You may combine listening to this music with any healing practices that promote introspection and self-care to enhance the experience.
💜🕊About 432 Hz + 111 Hz + 777 Hz
432 Hz
resonates musically with the Schuman resonance, at 8 Hz, also referred to as the heartbeat of the earth. How do 432 Hz and 8 Hz resonate with each other?
If we tune an instrument to 432 Hz and play a C note, we get 256 Hz. Due to the sympathetic resonance of the overtone of the note, it will produce another C at precisely 8 Hz.
Any music produced at 432 Hz will be in harmony with the frequency of Earth, and thus have a healing impact on the listener.
🕊111 Hz This deeply healing frequency is linked to benefits like stress relief, mental clarity, healing, better sleep, mood enhancement, and spiritual growth. It aids relaxation, focus, energy balance, and introspection. Its effects can be best understood through personal experience.
777 Hz promotes spiritual growth and heightened awareness. This frequency is associated with divine connection, intuition, and inner peace, helping individuals align with higher states of consciousness. It is thought to assist in clearing mental and emotional blockages, fostering clarity, and encouraging a deep sense of harmony and balance. Many find that 777 Hz music supports meditation, introspection, and a profound connection to their inner self and the universe.
💗Dear Listener 💗
As You listen, repeat the affirmations here or on the screen and make them your own. Change the way you think, and you will change your life for the better.
Beyond all polarities, I AM.
I allow all the worries of the world to melt away.
I give myself permission to find peace in the present moment,
without wanting to change anything.
I am no longer trying to be chosen, I am the one that chooses.
I am choosing healing.
I am choosing growth.
I am choosing to evolve into my best version.
I show up for myself and I do the inner work every day to be in balance.
Everything heals, grows, and thrives when it is loved well, including me.
I offer myself love and unconditional support every step of the way.
I believe in my ability to figure things out,
and I trust that the higher intelligence of life is working on my behalf too.
💗Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results💗
✨🌸Royalty-Free Music Chillvibration.com🌸✨
We run a Royalty-free music store Chillvibration.com where we upload the music we post here on our YouTube channel Self-Healing Collective as Royalty-free songs.
With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.
You can buy royalty-free licenses of our music at Chillvibration.com
We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.
What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.
What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, and wisdom.
What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.
What we support:
Everything that promotes health, and personal, physical, and spiritual growth.
What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.
We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.
Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,