
My grandpa had a heart attack this morning. He is doing well, he's is a bit of pain, but that's from the stent that they put in his heart. Pray for him πŸ™


Blood cell: im walkin here!


I want to know why the body doesn't remove plaque periodically through the years?? Why would the body just allow a harmful material to just form and end life??


The blood clot looks so goofy, but knowing this is how my grandma died makes me view it differently


A heart attacks forms when there is a blockage / big pile of (idk cells) and can stick to the clot and stop the blood cells
2. A heart Attack Forms when The blood clot is small and blocks big blood cells,however if you dont understand,think of an hourglass,the middle of it is the blood clot super tight.


SubhanAllah kya kahne lajawab πŸ‘ attack aaya aur zindagi khatam ❀ Allah (r.b.i) ham Iman walo ki hifazat farmaye ameen summa ameen Labbaik


My grandfather died because of a heart attack. He was driving to work when it happened, people called the ambulance to come help him. They tried bringing him back for over an hour. He was coming back then lost him over and over. The doctors realized that he wasn’t coming back and he was pronounced dead. I wish I saw him one final time at the funeral.


This is how my mom's dad died πŸ˜₯😒😭😭😭😭😭I DIDNT EVEN MEET HIM!!!😭😭😭but i still miss him πŸ˜”πŸ˜’


My grandmother had heart attack last night. Please pray for her


Heart attacks can also
Happen from what ur eating in some occasions of your fats it sometimes grow somewhere near the hearts nerves or blood vessels basically
Locking or inclosing the main part that 
Maintains your blood flow normal, the heart will always know whether
The Nerve is clogged or not it, it will pump up with so much force that it results into a massive painful 
Chest pain, known as heart attack
Which is absurdly Dangerous but for many reasons
It can also results in stress
In arguements your blow flow increases at a slow but fast rate
To simply Calm you down in some occasions if this does happen
It will be painful to a point you would feel like you will collapse from the immense pain Which can reach to Shoulders too.


Interesting video very educational but it worries me about my health now ....actually I'm scared


Main cause of heart attack,  yes build up of fatty substances in the arteries, called atheroscleroisid,  is the most common cause of coronary artery disease.


my grandmas sister died of a heart attack on November 14th 2020


So a heart attack is just a minuscule traffic jam


I can’t take this video seriously because I keep hearing a Jamaican accent when he says bloodclot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Get a Coronary Calcium Scan to see how bad this build up is.   It’s a simple CT scan


I don’t get it cause some people smoke and die in there 80s. Then there’s people who are healthy and have a heart attack at an earlier age


Thank you  Doctor


Just rewatched this like 20 times


They use CABG, Coronary Artery Bypass Graph.