In the practice of Nidra we work with the all powerful tool of our awareness by dancing our attention through the various layers of our being. We do this in a systematic way to heal these different dimensions of ourselves and to unlock thresholds leading to bliss. It’s so rare that we have an opportunity to acknowledge the full spectrum of who we have become and make it all the way back to that blissful center. Nidra offers a labyrinthine route to this unshakeable peace within, while modulating the nervous system and building resilience along the way. Though it is extremely restful and you are stepping down your brainwaves to a sleep-like state, you remain awake, consciousness intact, throughout the process. This teaches you tools to deescalate a heightened stress response (when our survival brain sends us into fight/flight/fawn/freeze/dissociate) making this both a nurturing and empowering practice, while taking you by the hand on a journey to your Self.
The layers (koshas) that we move through are as follows:
Anna Maya Kosha - physical body
Prana Maya Kosha - energy body
Mano Maya Kosha - mental/emotional body
Vijnana Maya Kosha - intuitive body
Ananda Maya Kosha - bliss body
Beyond this 5th layer is the Atma, also referred to as Para Shakti, supreme oneness with all. There is no distinction, no separation, nothing but pure source in this place.
Through practicing Yoga Nidra we can relax while healing our conditioning. Nidra is a subtle practice that meets the practitioner where they’re at and reaches out a hand.
*read full blog post on my website,
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